Friday 17th of March 2023

Small Trolling.

Social Media Says

Imagine this small team is also trolling us.
Obviously this doesn't concern Andy. He's much more into causing pain than alleting it.. Trolling small accounts on Twitter and arguing about the existence of viruses is far more fun than self reflection..

Terrible journalism. parroting your victim narrative, leaving out small details like WHY you're being sued. 24/7 twitter trolling and abuse and somehow its still anyone's fault except poor graham.
Not trolling. Ive been in situations where I was paid well but had high expenses including significant debt repayments that sucked up most of my income. In London a flat is PS500k and up for a decent small two bedroom. If you dont want to donate to his crowdfunder thats ok.

Since yesterday you cry saa. Small trolling.
I am trolling those 3 small clubs.
Chelsea Fans Trolling Arsenal Fans, Small London Teams.
Small trolling.
You trolling right . You taking about a kid from a small city called Balt. But your family is getting pass around from brothers with passports. Be safe.
I decided to revive a trolling thing with a friend over this. I use to post about eating with small forks.
The value derived from trolling the olds is not small.
Small people. Youre meant for bigger fish. Youre the Kingfisher to them. Theyre (intellectually) dead fish nulb. Their trolling should be endorsement for you. Means youre hitting them where it hurts. Mmm sushi.

You clowns cant take banter your fellow clown just blocked me because I made him emotional trolling your small club.
So yeah, I do a lot with them, like also do a lot of out reach for the small businesses they run. When i'm not actively trolling TERFs i do some social media work and have helped them grow brand as female, minority owned business leaders so they can also help others.

We do a small amount of trolling, was totally not me.
Stop trolling small Team like arsenal.
Small businesses with payrolls over 250k can afford to pay an accountant to keep track of several accounts. This is rich guy concern trolling at its finest.
Trolling a small team like Arsenal no too make sense Sha Make Una leave them alone na.
Not as embarrassing as a team with 16 points behind trolling, small yansh dey shake.
Jack you're not very good at this trolling business, I like having fun with small dick men like you.
Small businesses can and do keep their money across several different accounts to stay under 250k. Get out of here with this concern trolling bullshit.
Dont be misled by the RadioPhobic trolling of Anti Nuclear Cult nutjobs Auspol. Low dose radiation was always everywhere on our planet & low dose workers are PROVEN to live longer healthier lives. We need NuclearEnergy We need Thorium & Small Modular Reactors.

I know where and when to get engagements and followers, keep the advice. These epistles too much for small trolling.
This is disgusting, this person, whoever they are, should go away and hide in a small hole and stay there forever. Without any means of communication so he can't continue to harass women like a disgusting trolling pervert.

I wonder when a small boy like you, very poor you keep on trolling someone like RailaOdinga who's a billionaire fighting for stupid person like you.
Small Boats is just a distraction. Ignore their trolling and focus on the facts.
Are you just trolling. If you don't like it dont watch there is no need to be mean to the actress unless you are so small you to be mean to other people to make you feel better.
This is why its bad to write 10,000 concern-trolling articles about why liberals need more epistemological humility about the small chance of a lab leak because by the time it hits the mainstream, right-wingers are going to turn it into theres no evidence of natural origins.

This is a superb inside look at what it's like to be part of a small minority in a state legislature. This may seem like concern trolling, but I think this freshman Delegate is correct that you have to be a bit accomodationist in these circumstances to get anything you want.

Did you read the link? Point me to where it says they came over in boats. From what the article says, they could have been here for years. So, those few dozen are criminals. 40,000 came in small boats last year. Theyre all criminals? I think youre a bit dim. Or just trolling.

I'm getting more confident you are trolling but in case you aren't please define "really small".
Yeah. Its really sad out there. Where is the cleverness? The innuendo. People are so fucking dumb I've had to drop my trolling to a 4th grade reading level. God forbid you try and use words like portend, mooncalf or small beer.

You too just small trolling you dey post photo album.
Dont be misled by the RadioPhobic trolling of Anti Nucler Cult nutters Auspol. Low dose radiation was always everywhere on our planet. We need NuclearEnergy We need Thorium & Small Modular Reactors.
Like . Okay, even if that "Puss in Boots 2 and Everything Everywhere (as well as small business owners) are FASCIST" person is just simply trolling (Idfk) .. Many other people are completely genuine in their deeply delusional takes of what is or isn't "fascist art".

...or investment for a small team but that's been clearly covered in the original thread so, one again, not aknowledging it is trolling. The truth is, anyone who has considered it at the early stages and really couldnt figure how to do it would just be sorry they couldnt and not.

Something about what occurs in the rural space would be really interesting. Towns & places where the populations are small enough that we still all have to interact through work, school etc. The trolling thing doesn't really work in that environment & things get very personal.

Another misguided Dhulbahante larping as MJ this time posting random nonsense, dont put your ppl in danger back home right now most feel sorry for you at any moment the ppl your trolling can switch the lights out for your small family project back in Sabayad land.

Youre trolling. Any woman knows this is exactly how women are preconditioned to act towards men who make us feel uncomfortable. We have to pacify and get small so men dont hurt us. You ask such a stupid question with the privilege of never knowing this kind of situation.

Namjoon collaborated with a small indie band & u yall trolling it ?
It's actually quite genius trolling from ValidLs. Drop a small hint about their identity and soon the "right side of history" is spreading the dox, showing that the empathy crowd: 1. believes absolutely everything 2. have no issues with doxing I think there are few names already.

Those look like pinkie mice tbh. They even come in connected small packages like that. Hopeful she was just trolling lmao.
Chale no bi small trolling.
In this we see Connie ADMITTING this Camille78009397 is her Alt account. And here we can see the tweets from before she admitted the account was her. She pretended to be a parent of an Autistic small child. Also theres Proof it was Connie trolling Autistic people too.

Also all of these stats other than the small durability downside is literally better than the bat so i cant tell if youre trolling or not.
I don't like this new Twitter algorithm. Now randos just see me trolling and not get the context & content. I cater my tweets for a small niche!
Most people with half a brain consider this war a long time conflict. Trolling the Russians about how they will soon be kicked out of Ukraine is fun though. Also the hope that it might end soon will always be there even though the chances are small.

Leo you dawg me ooo , eiii small trolling nti.Thank you and Amen to those wins.
Pretty solid. Small critique Id replace apparently with ostensibly.
Jeremy, you need to chill the hell out. Your concern with a small trolling group of the fandom is turning you into a small trolling individual in the fandom. Just read comics and chill!! If you like them, cool, if you don't, fair enough. Don't worry about other peoples opinions.

Imagine two Celtics from the era MJ stole from them all the sudden think total points are more important than ever before. Fkn trolling is getting ridiculous, nobody cares about honesty or integrity anymore, just say whatever to get replies. It makes them small individuals.

But who is angry? Why do small minded cucks throw the mad bro? type shit at every turn? Pretty weak lol. Do you have nothing else? Youre either woke or trolling as woke, the second makes it even more cringe. Anything valid to add homie? About literally anything?

No this is not acceptable, doesnt matter what your background, there is no need for this. Whilst I a a small user and do not get backlash, having a platform to say your piece without verbal abuse, threats or trolling is what is expected. Sadly seems elonmusk has let it all go.

First of understand the difference between insult and healthy trolling,,,,wasim jaffer saying with light hearted and also Vaughan replied with light hearted,they don't took it seriously,man stop using social media if dnt undrstnd a small battle healthy between wasim and Vaughan.

The text is too small to read on my phone anyway. I assumed they were trolling Matt Hancock.
So you telling me that if I find a small subsection of a group that does something objectionable I can then identify the whole group by that action? But if I replied to a conversation by saying that all Palestinians are terrorists that would racist right? You suck at trolling.

Tana is actually a super troll im trolling small but still loool.
Im well aware Im just trolling. However, Jalen is shooting ridiculously efficient even when he was the number one option with shai out (small sample size). Paolo is still ROTY for me but Jalen is playing damn good ball and was the number 12 pick but is number 2 in the race.

Namjoon collaborated with a small indie band & yall trolling ?
Let me try You know in broken fang they introduced new matchmaking system like faceit? you vote for maps etc.?? The system was named "broken fang premier" before, today they change it's name to just "premier" (But only for Korean steam) So dev trolling by doing small update.

GRMOVER Learning to catch these falling knives at the right time As of now just using small size You can't be a close-minded person If people are consistently getting high RR trades from catching falling knives then instead of trolling we must learn from them.

Hey Scott,I was just trolling around and found your name. Maybe a little late but congrats on your new position. Still kicking around Fishers? Family doing good? ok enough small talk . take careDavid Durham Former Insight cable guy.

Please tell me valve is trolling, please tell me its just a small update. PLEASE GOD I WANT TO SEE THE REACTIONS.
Not sure if trolling or intentionally stupid. You have your own choices, so you understand freedom of choice. By that logic, you equally understand that there are others who choose to be accepting of this design (which is a small portion of cars btw). You recignise what it is, so.

Ur trolling. this is how to become small song.
Dont be misled by the RadioPhobic trolling of Anti Nuclear Cult's trolls Auspol. We need 24/7 ULTRA Clean NuclearEnergy, Thorium & the minute environmental footprint of Small Modular Reactors.
This guy is trolling. He is not winning player, never was, stat chaser and $ chaser and all packed as some loyality sh.t. If he loves Portland should sign for Mle and let them have salary room which they don't have because 40% of their salary cap is tied to this no defense small.