Wednesday 9th of June 2021

Display Names Are Now Visible on The Developer Forum.

Social Media Says

Display Names are now visible on the Developer Forum.

What You Really Think

Also you can use tags?

Ye, I tried to be Trump the 45th US president.

Still hasn't updated to my new username tho, why add display name functionality if usernames won't update it?


Is there a reason this is happening?

So that was the 1% you said or China don't have Display Names?

For some goddamn reason, I can't see the display name thing on my acc. (It works on other alt accs of mine, but I can't change it on my main) :/.

Nice, i can finally also be "jesse" on the devforum.

So much for display names.

Any idea on when the Talent hun woll release? So hyped for it!

Why do I still don't have it? It's kinda sad seeing everyone with it.

That's good!


It looks off just having the username without an symbol, i think they should add it just like how they did on the main roblox site.


Lol why.


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