It isnt Really a Valkyrie This One Makes More Sense to be a Sword D

Tuesday 27th of June 2023

It isnt Really a Valkyrie This One Makes More Sense to be a Sword :D.

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Your comparing ROBLOX valk to other valks, you gotta understand ROBLOX didn't create valks this is just what people are familiar with so to say it isn't a valkyrie is false statement ingrained into your mind and others.

True ig but I still think it counts as a valk because it has all the features of a valk.

Your comparing ROBLOX valk to other valks, you gotta understand ROBLOX didn't create valks this is just what people are familiar with so to say it isn't a valkyrie is false statement ingrained into your mind and others.

True ig but I still think it counts as a valk because it has all the features of a valk.

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