Its 3am And I Somehow Just Managed to Buy a Tianic Capybara Plushie My Bank is Going to Hate me

Thursday 20th of April 2023

It's 3am And I Somehow Just Managed to Buy a Tianic Capybara Plushie My Bank is Going to Hate Me.

Social Media Says

What You Really Think

This price for a large plushie (which frankly, doesnt even look that good), is greedy and a massive scam. So my question is why did you even think about buying it?

So this is the type of people society be giving their money on.

Why are people buying these.


Thats alot of money.

Me too finally got my first Titanic.

Traitor! can I offer.

Huh I wonder what I can do with this 200 dollars charity or plushie charity or plushie ehh I'll just go with the plushie it come with a free code !!

How u financially doin now that u got carl the capybara.

Wait they came back?

Deserved imo.

Didn't they release like 3 days ago.

Me too!!!!!!!

Wasted so much damn money for what.

You should have doubled it and gave it to the next person.

Can i ride your titanic.

Should have been free shipping .


Oh lol.

I hate you too.


Bruh is wasting money over useless plushie nulb.

This price for a large plushie (which frankly, doesnt even look that good), is greedy and a massive scam. So my question is why did you even think about buying it?

So this is the type of people society be giving their money on.

Why are people buying these.


Thats alot of money.

Me too finally got my first Titanic.

Traitor! can I offer.

Huh I wonder what I can do with this 200 dollars charity or plushie charity or plushie ehh I'll just go with the plushie it come with a free code !!

How u financially doin now that u got carl the capybara.

Wait they came back?

Deserved imo.

Didn't they release like 3 days ago.

Me too!!!!!!!

Wasted so much damn money for what.

You should have doubled it and gave it to the next person.

Can i ride your titanic.

Should have been free shipping .


Oh lol.

I hate you too.


Bruh is wasting money over useless plushie nulb.

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