NEWS Court Case Documents Music Publishers

Friday 11th of June 2021

NEWS The Court Case Documents For The Music Publishers vs Roblox Has Been Found.

Social Media Says

NEWS The Court Case documents for the music publishers vs Roblox has been found.

What You Really Think

A lot of these documents look like incredibly stupid arguments but this one... ho man, never has anything been truer.

Ive never seen anyone in my life say this (the rating). First, roblox MIGHT win bc the players uploading the copyrighted audios arent making money. Also speaking the rating says its a music game. Bro this aint SoundCloud or Spotify nah its a lego game. Why? Just WHY?

Somebody summarize because Im too lazy to read it all.

So who exactily only plays roblox for the music? 4 years and ive never heard / seen someone who only comes back for the music.

Actually in robloxs defense, audios are uploaded by the players and they do consistently try to take them off the site.

If they didn't cherry pick reviews, they really wouldn't have a case; most people on roblox come back for the games, NOT the music.

I've been reading up on this and I know the laws, especially copyright laws as I'm a YouTuber. Roblox isn't losing this.

All this unfolding on a lego game for kids, goddamn.

Lmao what is this?? damn music companies, they are money leeches.

The entire first page is stupid. Ive never heard anyone say that the music brings them back to Roblox. Obviously that review says it but people do not regularly say this. And Roblox does not refuse to delete copyrighted music. They are always deleting copyrighted music.

Genuinely this is a dumb court case now Ariana grande can make more than all the damages that her music label is sueing roblox for same with Ed sheeran.


So trashy.

"favorite music game ever!!!!!!" had me dead lmao.

If Jane Doe and the music publisher wins, ROBLOX will lose a total of $205,000,000.

Am I the only one that wants Roblox to lose?

I kinda agree but like i dont roblox to get sued i have been play roblox for 7 years.

"their favorite game ever!!!!!!!" sent me.




Report better news or im unfollowing.

Judge Judy time.

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